
논문 및 특허

종류 타이틀 저자 게재년월 게재
해외논문 Neural Matching Fields: Implicit Representation of Matching Cost for Semantic Correspondence 홍성환 202211 NEURIPS 2022
해외논문 PicTalky: Augmentative and Alternative Communication for Language Developmental Disabilities 박찬준 202211 AACL2022 - joint conference on IJC-NLP
해외논문 "Reweighting Strategy based on Synthetic Data Identification for Sentence Similarity" 김태희 202210 COLING 2022
해외논문 KoCHET: a Korean Cultural Heritage corpus for Entity-related Tasks 김경민 202210 COLING 2022
해외논문 GRASP: Guiding model with RelAtional Semantics using Prompt 손준영 202210 COLING 2022
해외논문 Don't Judge a Language Model by Its Last Layer: Contrastive Learning with Layer-Wise Attention Pooling 오동석 202210 COLING 2022
해외논문 QUAK: A Synthetic Quality Estimation Dataset for Korean-English Neural Machine Translation 어수경 202210 COLING 2022
해외논문 Pipeline Coreference Resolution Model for Anaphoric Identity in Dialogues 김담린 202210 CODI-CRAC 2022 Shared Task on Anaphora, Bridging, and Discourse Deixis in Dialogue
해외논문 Improving Graph-based Document-Level Relation Extraction Model with Novel Graph Structure 박성식 202210 CIKM 2022
해외논문 Plain Template Insertion: Korean-Prompt-based Engineering for Few-shot Learners 서재형 202210 IEEE Access
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